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Painting Yellowwood Lake in Oil (4)

Expanding Your Artistic Horizons Series

Painting Session 4
Date: 06/07/2017
Subject: Yellowwood Lake, Brown County Indiana
Medium: Oil on Paper
Link to painting sessions: Session 1. , Session 2.  Session 3.

I spent this session working on the details of both the foreground and background trees.  Working mainly with Mars Black, Sap Green, Naples Yellow, Golden Ochre for the greens. I tried to obtain enough shift in values to achieve some depth in the painting. I don't think I am there yet, so I will continue to work on this in the next session. Looking at the composition, I now see several areas I wish were different. But I am resisting the voice in my head telling me to make the changes. As I wrote in Expanding My Artistic Horizons, changes are the very reason I am doing this series and have prevented me in the past from finishing paintings. I usually mix my own oil painting medium but chose to use Liquin for the first time. I like its ability to create smooth strokes of paint as in the foreground grass. In the "Session 1" post, I mentioned this was the only oil on paper I have done. The more layers of paint on paper, the easier it seems to lay down the paint. The more I paint on paper, the more I like the results and how the paint behaves when applying the paint. I would be interested in other people's opinions on this subject. In the next session, I plan to continue to work on the trees and the details in the foreground of the painting.
