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Painting Yellowwood Lake in Oil (3)

Expanding Your Artistic Horizons Series

Painting Session 3
Date: 05/26/2017
Subject: Yellowwood Lake, Brown County Indiana
Medium: Oil on Paper
Link to painting sessions: Session 1. , Session 2.

Due to other obligations that seem to take over the days and weeks, I have not been able to spend much time painting. I was able to participate in the T. C. Steele Festival of Flowers Paint Out this month, so it was a nice break from other things that needed to be done. I decided today I was going to spend some time on the expanding your artistic horizons series and decided to work on the Yellowwood Lake painting. I have included the photo of the painting at the end of session 2 for comparison on progress. I spent time working on the middle values and adding details to the foreground. As mentioned in the previous post, I need to improve my ability to paint proper values. Comparing the two paintings, I am not sure I made much progress today. Also, I added highlights and shadows to the clouds and worked on middle ground trees. Painting on paper is better than initially anticipated. However, it may be my painting style, but it seems like the paint does not reflect light the same as it does on canvas. Maybe that's just my excuse for not getting the values correct. In the next session, I will continue to work on achieving more distance in the painting, add highlight, and work on the details.

Yellow Lake End of Session 2
Painting from Session 2
Yellowwood Lake End of Painting Session 3
End of Painting Session 3
